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Sakana App

The Commonwealth of Sakana, together with Sakana Garapen Agentzia, has developed the application "Sakana App". A free application that gathers all the useful information such as news, agenda or guide of the commerce as much for its neighbours as for visitors.


The app is available for both Android and IOS systems and consists, literally, of carrying everything Sakana has to offer on our mobile phone. It also allows you to configure the contents in both Basque and Spanish and to segment the information displayed by town.


The "News" section allows you to view all the updated information on what is happening in the region, while the latest news, plans and cultural, sporting or social events are shown to the user in the "Agenda" section.


This application has a practical Commerce Guide designed to show all the commercial attractions of the area organised by sector and with a useful search engine to refine the results to be displayed.


In addition, the last section contains practical information for users.


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